Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Spice

I've posted a couple of recipes that call for pumpkin pie spice but realized I didn't note in the posts that I make my own rather than buying a blend of what I already have in my pantry.  It comes in handy not only when  recipe calls for it already but also when it calls for the same spices because I'll just use an equivalent measure of my pre-made pumpkin pie spice, which is what I did for the Pumpkin Beer Bundt Cake.

There are a lot of variations of homemade pumpkin pie spice; one of the nice things about making it yourself is you can adjust the proportions fit your tastes.  My favorite blend is one that contains both allspice and cloves rather than just one or the other.  Last year I came across this recipe from My Baking Addiction and it is now the one I make up a batch of at the beginning of fall to use throughout the season.  I'm just linking to the recipe rather than posting it here as I didn't change a thing about it, but if pumpkin pie spice is on your grocery list for Thanksgiving I recommend giving the homemade version a try:


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